IBD and Crohn’s Resources

CCFA.orgDo you need IBD and Crohn’s Resources and information on Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Crohn’s, or Colitis? We have assembled some of the best IBD resources and information that I know to be accurate and informative.

Please understand that we are not doctors nor medical experts. The IBD resources listed below are for informational purposes. You should always consult with your medical team when making decisions on your health.

America’s Best Gastroenterology Hospitals

Below you will find the US News – Health Best Hospitals for the year 2014-2015 in both Pediatric and Adult Hospitals. If you would like to see what criteria US News – Health used to select the best hospitals, you can click here

Specialty Doctors

Diets, Pain, and Anxiety can all play major roles in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, so we not only assembled places where you can find Gastroenterologist’s but Nutritionist’s, Mental Health, and Pain Management physicians too.

If you have health insurance, you might also want to consult with your insurance directory of physicians to ensure that the doctors you find are covered within your health insurance network.

Events Directory

One of the best ways to get involved is by participating in IBD events. Events are a great way to meet others that have IBD, raise awareness, and support one another.