New Route for Post Surgery Colonoscopy – Who Knew!

New Route for Post Surgery Colonoscopy - Who Knew!

Who Knew!

When you look back, life’s most embarrassing moments can end up providing years of laughter.

Nobody told me colonoscopies now went through stoma and not the butt. Nobody told me the gel used during colonoscopy makes the baseplate not stick properly.

After my first post surgery colonoscopy, I was starving. We went to IHOP where I scarfed down a huge breakfast and immediately went to the department store close by. Of course what we needed was in the far back corner of the very big store. When we arrived at our isle, unstoppable explosive diarrhea sounds, accompanied with a hot, wet feeling was running down my leg. Horrified, I saw a puddle of that clear liquid ‘clean out’ poop. Y’all know what I’m talking about! The bathroom was at complete opposite end of the store.

Before I could even react, my sweet husband grabbed my hand, told me not to look up, knowing making eye contact with those who would stare would be to much. We were off towards the front entrance, in what was more of a fast walk than a slow run.

Thankfully, Mark kept an old bed sheet, old bath towel, change of clothes and extra supplies in the car. But by then, my legs were COVERED in that runny clear poop and nothing short of a shower was going to clean it up. To add to it, we live an hour away AND I had shaved my legs that morning.

Hubby Edit: We were still fairly new to the whole colostomy bit, so I not only kept a sheet, towel and a change of clothes for, Barb, I also kept one of those bed pads that are sort of padded, with a vinyl liner to keep, um, liquids from seeping thru to the bed. Well, I kept several of those in the car too. 

By time we got home, my skin was covered in blistering burns from stoma to my ankles that had me shaking from the pain for several hours after showering and covering in stoma powder.

Lesson learned:

  1. Two piece appliances require only removing the bag portion so less likely baseplate will blow.
  2. Don’t forget to also keep several washcloths, paper towels and alcohol-free wipes in your emergency bag so prepared for huge blowouts.
  3. Do NOT shave your legs leaving open pores day of colonoscopy.
  4. When all else fails, LAUGH!!

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